KT and Sports Taping
When to use KT and Sports taping techniques?
Kinesiology taping (KT)
KT is used usually in Body Revival to complement recovery post sports massage rather than as a treatment by itself. This type of tape:
Is very elastic tape
Can last up to a 5 days
Allows full range of movement- does not restrict joint movements
Aids the body’s natural inflammatory healing process through lymphatic drainage and pain reduction.
Aids proprioception after injury (helps you to be more aware of joint position to avoid re-injury or to aid change, for example, in posture)
Helps off load muscle that holds a lot of tension
Helps to stretch short and tight muscles
Can reduce bruising and swelling after trauma
Main features are correction and support of muscles, as well as aiding in pain reduction and joint position awareness through proprioception, and increases vascular and lymphatic drainage/ flow
Athletic/ Sports Taping
Sports Taping is usually used in Body Revival in times of recovery of serious conditions with the aim to avoid re-injury during a sports event. This type of tape:
is a very rigid tape
Restricts/ immobilises certain movements to avoid re-injury during sports
Lasts the duration of the sports event
Aids proprioception after injury (helps you to be more aware of joint position to avoid re-injury)
Main feature is protection post injury in functional activities, but also helps to reduce swelling and bleeding