2024 price change from January 1st
30 minute session £35.00
45 minute session £40.00
60 minute session £50.00
Loyalty Cards: 50% off every 5th session cost. Expiry details 12 months from date of 1st of 5 sessions. Enquire in clinic for further information.
Limited Offers: 20% off pre-paid block bookings of 5 (5 for the price of 4) available for purchase from 1th-15th of March 2024 only.
NEW Service: see book online tab above on website to book last-minute appointments made available from cancellations.
COVID-10 Pre-Appointment Check
Prior to your appointment, you will be directed to this page. Please read and answer the following questions between 48 -12 hours before your appointment. If any changes occur after submission, please get in touch!
- To the best of my knowledge, I have not had contact with anyone with Covid-19 in the last 14 days
- I (or anyone I live with) have had no symptoms including a dry cough, temperature of above 37.8oC, loss of smell/taste, or any recent eye or ear infection.
- If I contract the virus, I will notify Body Revival as soon as possible
By continuing to the next portion of screening, I have read and agreed to the above declaration.